So I felt the need to start blogging over the last 6 years doing stage makeup in the fitness industry I've seen it all!
If had to color correct or fix all sorts of problems! So my adventures and learning experiances. Here are a couple of must dos to have a good experience with stage makeup whether someone is doing it or it's a do-it-yourself weekend.
Basic PRE rules:
Peels, facials etc.: when it comes to this subject rule of thumb is if your 2 weeks away don't do it prior to 2weeks out from your competition is fine. The reason for this is your body is going thru some extremes and in some cases your ph balance is off and or more vulnerable to getting sick so that means yup... More breakouts!
Ever wonder why your makeup is patchy some areas are darker than others? Well, there are 3 reasons but the first one is usually the culprit. The use of glycolic peels even the at home kinds strips layers of dead skin and one can't visually see where the peel worked better than in other areas of your face. Normally around the forehead area it peels of more dead skin because the skin is firmer and you probably rubbed over it a few times more than checks or jaw.
The next reason is your TAN! Yup "but J I didn't spray tan my face like you told me too!" I know it is called overspray. There is often a lot of overspray in the air in a tanning room or when the tech is tanning you they taper up through your neck and they don't release the trigger until it's at your jawbone so the residue in the gun gets blown on your face. Ah-ha! (I used to work for PROTAN, this is how I know the in's and out's of tanning & I know why people turn green!)
Solution, if u can cover your face while u tan, do it! If not wash your face immediately or use a cold cream to wipe the overspray off your face!
The third reason is actually one you dont ever think about. When you use foundation and have been wearing it all day long you can't tell that its patchy because its in the same color of your natural skin color. When you wear a color to match your tan that;s not your natural color so if it starts wearing off you can definatley tell and you will see patchyness all over. Some women with good skin hold product better than others. So please ladies if you look at some one elses makeup I did and its still flawless don't blame me blame thier great skin!
Next step very important! After washing your face use a TONER! This restores the natural ph of your skin. The week of the show and after you wash your face and before your makeup application apply a facial toner. This will help from your skin going patchy!
I recommend NARS toner, MAC toner or Keihls. Also stay tunned to my blog I will give you a HOW-TO on a at home mask and toner treatment that will leave your face flawless for your competition.
Yes eyebrow is a must topic for stage makeup. Please follow my blog/twitter for grooming detail.
So there's nothing like working on a client only to discover wax lines! Ugh! Flawless makeup application then those nasty little lines comes out! Which leads me to ask when u got your eyebrows done "oh like 2 days ago" and the look on my faces causes them to reply with am alarmed "WHY?!" well hunny u have wax lines...
So ladies if you must get your eyebrows done please get them done also 1 1/2 wks to 2 wks out and pluck any strays. If you are down to the week of the show then get them threaded! Threading is also the best way to groom you eyebrows since you dont over pull the sensitive skin around the eye area.
So here is part 1, I will wrap up the pre prep must do's and dont's tomorrow ...stay tuned!
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